Archive for January, 2009

Slice me off a little piece

Monday, January 12th, 2009

Recently found this really interesting utility for Google Sketchup. Its called SliceModeler, it gives you the ability to slice up your sketchup model into pieces and then make them flat for cutting out of sheet material. Great idea and concept for me.


Broken Bracket

Monday, January 12th, 2009

A long while back I put together a headlamp using a luxeon star 3 watt LED and some driver electronics from Ladyada. Everything worked fine and life was good. Recently however, when I reached for my trusty friend I found the strap dangling loosely. One of only a few plastic pieces on the light had snapped.

Originally, when I made the light, I drew the plastic bracket in a 2D CAD program and then printed onto paper, traced it onto plastic and then cut it out with an exacto blade. Now times have changed and I wanted to use the OZO to make another one.


How much wood would an…

Monday, January 12th, 2009

Ozo cut if an OZO would cut wood!

Had a bit of time to fool with the machine over the Holidays and decided to try out the new hold down techniques and cut some thin wood. It went pretty well, all thing considered. I cut what appears to be thin mahogany surfaced plywood sourced from the local mantle shops bin.
